Parents and grandparents alike know how children like to help out. They emulate our moves and even the most minor task can seem like an adventure for them. Gardening is no different. So the next time you get ready to tackle your vegetable patch have some kids gardening tools at your disposal so the little ones can help out.
You can find virtually any type of garden tool in a child’s size. All you have to consider is the age of the child. For smaller children, you can find an assortment of hand and garden tools that will fit their tiny hands. They will also insure that they are not too heavy. When these tools are designed the manufacturers also take comfort into consideration. If a child cannot handle their tool easily then they will undoubtedly discard it and try to pick up yours, which could hurt them. They also design smaller tools out of plastic and graduate to wooden or even metal as kids get older. Safety is always the main concern.
These tiny tools also come gender based with a huge selection of colors and designs. You can get everything from plain, painted tools to ones with animals and butterflies on them. Sometimes color alone will not hold their attention so again, look at their age to decide. The best thing is to let them pick out their own, if at all possible.
When choosing tolls for the kids make sure to give them a selection. They won’t get bored as easily and they will enjoy it if their tools somewhat match your selection. Another option you can consider is possibly an apron for those who like to help out with planters or transplanting flowers. You can also find gardening bags to house their tools in. There are garden sets available that have a bag with matching tools. There are pockets around the outside for each individual tool and a large opening in the middle for miscellaneous things such as seed, bulbs, etc.
So the next time you are ready to do some gardening, grab the kids gardening tools and head outside. They will have so much fun they won’t even realize that they’re learning at the same time.
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